Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Rush Limbaugh: Draft Dodger; Henry Kissinger: War Criminal
Rush Limbaugh: Draft Dodger t-shirt
It's kind of amazing to consider that for all his pro-war bluster and all his bullshit "Swift Boat" attacks on Vietnam Vet John Kerry in the 2004 election, Rush Limbaugh himself managed to find a way to avoid being himself drafted into that war (for which Kerry, I might add, volunteered).
Rush's excuse for being passed over? A pilonildal cyst on his ass.
At first, Rush avoided the draft because he was a college student, but then he dropped out of school, at which time he suddenly found himself staring down the barrel of Uncle Sam's finger. No problem! A trip to the doctor unearthed the previously unknown pilonidal cyst (essentially a large boil that must be surgically removed-- search the term in youtube and see how fast you can find something to make you barf) that rendered him 1-Y (a precursor to the term 4-F).
Funny thing, though-- he went on to spend the rest of his career sitting on his ass and expounding about the cowardice of guys like him who found a way to avoid serving. Or better yet, the cowardice of decorated vets like John Kerry. I couldn't make this up, folks!
Henry Kissinger: War Criminal - Still At Large t-shirt
Remember when Henry Kissinger and Richard Nixon were breaking about every law in the book to support coups against democratically elected governments, waging undeclared war on various countries, building up Latin-American death squads, planning political murders, and napalming civilians? You don't? Well, next time you see him, ask Kissinger why he'll be arrested if he sets foot in Spain or Chile again!