Wednesday, August 12, 2009

War-Mongering Draft-Dodgers, a Field Guide

War-Mongering Draft-Dodgers t-shirt

George W. Bush, Cheney, Jeb Bush, Delay
Limbaugh, O'Reilly, Savage, Robertson
Romney, Bolton, Gingrich, Giuliani

Seems like all the most prominent pro-war characters in America share a dirty secret-- none of them have served in the military or actually seen, heard, or experienced war in any way. For characters like Sean Hannity, Glenn Beck, and Ann Coulter, this is perplexing, since all were of age to have volunteered to serve in the first (or second!) Gulf Wars. If they were so in favor of America's desert adventures, how come they stayed home? But everyone has a choice, and maybe they happened to have better things to do just then. The characters on this shirt, however, are even more slippery-- at a time when Americans were being drafted by the thousands and being sent to Vietnam, all managed to find some excuse that allowed them to be passed over in favor of some other young Americans who then went to fight, and quite possibly die, in their place.

Makes you wonder how they got so fond of war as a means of solving problems, doesn't it?